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How often should lead exposure be monitored in workplaces?

The frequency of monitoring lead exposure, in workplaces is determined by the risk level and the quantity of lead present there. When a new task or process that involves lead is introduced in the workplace environment it is advisable to conduct monitoring to establish the baseline levels of exposure. It is recommended to monitor lead levels every three months if the exposure reaches or surpasses 0.075, mg/m³ (which is half of the Workplace Exposure Limit). If the exposure consistently remains below this threshold monitoring may be done frequently.

To keep an eye on the health of employees exposed to levels of lead, at work it's important to test their blood lead levels every three months. In cases workers should get tested every six months. If there are changes in work processes or if lead levels go above limits monitoring should be increased until levels return to ranges. Following this approach helps maintain control over exposure and allows for action when needed.