A hand-arm vibration (HAV) assessment was recently conducted at a facility in Bedford to evaluate workers' exposure to vibration from tools used in their daily tasks. The focus was on operatives working in the fettling and knockout areas, where tasks such as grinding, sanding, and using pneumatic tools generate significant vibration.
The assessment highlighted that several tools, such as the Draper Pneumatic Orbital Palm Sander and the Kobe Pneumatic 100mm Angle Grinder, were causing workers to exceed the recommended vibration exposure limits. The exposure to these high levels of vibration increases the risk of developing hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), a condition affecting the nerves and blood vessels in the hands and arms.
To reduce this risk, the report recommended a combination of strategies, including the replacement of high-vibration tools with newer, lower-vibration models, limiting the time workers use certain tools, and providing anti-vibration gloves. Regular tool maintenance was also emphasised to ensure that equipment remains in optimal condition, helping to keep vibration levels as low as possible.
By implementing these control measures, the facility can better manage vibration exposure, protecting workers from potential health risks and improving overall safety in the workplace.