Sysco Environmental Ltd recently conducted a comprehensive hand-arm vibration (HAV) assessment at an industrial facility in Kendal. The objective was to evaluate employee exposure to hand-arm vibration and recommend control measures to ensure a safe working environment. The assessment focused on measuring daily exposure levels to vibration (A(8)) for fabrication operatives using various tools. Findings indicated that some operatives were exposed to vibration levels above the Exposure Action Value of 2.5 m/s², and in some cases, exceeding the Exposure Limit Value of 5.0 m/s².
Operative 1 and Operative 2's edge polishers recorded daily exposure levels of 3.8 m/s² and 4.2 m/s² respectively, while Operative 3's edge polisher recorded a daily exposure level of 3.5 m/s². Operative 4's edge polisher exceeded the limit with a daily exposure of 5.0 m/s². To comply with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, several actions are recommended. It is essential to ensure all tool accessories are included in planned preventative maintenance and provide information and training on the correct use of tools to minimise vibration exposure. Replacing older tools with newer models, specifically the edge polishers used by Operative 4, will help reduce vibration levels. Implementing regular health surveillance for employees exposed to vibration levels above the action value and establishing a program to rotate staff between high and low vibration tasks to reduce overall exposure are crucial steps.